I love food. I love to travel. I love to cook and entertain. Food and travel have been part of my life from the very beginning. I started this blog to share my adventures and hopefully inspire others to learn about other cultures and other parts of this big beautiful world we share.
Mexico City. Its one of the first memories I have of traveling as a child. My dad was on a business trip and he decided to bring my mom and I along with him. My mom was pregnant with my sister at the time. I was 5 years old and everything that I saw and experienced was the most amazing thing that I’ve ever seen.
I remember watching women making tortillas on the street. I remember vibrant colors. I remember visiting the Teotihuacan pyramid outside of Mexico City. I also remember at one point being surrounded by a group of kids that were taken with my ravishing beauty. My mother, however, was not as amused as I.
But there is one story from that trip that is always retold at family gatherings to this day. One evening at the hotel, I turned my bed into a trampoline. I was jumping up and down and having a fantastic time. Somewhere there is even a picture of me in midair. There is a look of pure joy and wonder on my face. That was the BEST moment of the trip, until the bed broke. But that feeling of joy and wonderment is the feeling I get when I travel just about anywhere. That love of travel is a part of me and I am always thrilled to go on my next adventure. It is that inner joy that causes me to start plotting my next trip as soon as get home from the last trip. It is that inner joy that causes me to obsess over every detail of my travel arrangements until they are just so. It is that inner joy I feel the moment I step off the plane, ready to experience and absorb all that I can on my next adventure.
Travel allows you to connect with the world and experience life from another perspective. Some trips are purely for rest and relaxation but even on those trips, I like to learn something about the culture of the place that I am visiting. I believe that the best way to learn about another culture is through food. It’s a natural gateway to learn more about other people. Food is the lens through which I which I explore other cities and cultures. I’m looking forward to sharing all of those adventures with you, near and far.